Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This Year It's Flower or Flour

Anniversaries have symbols for the number of years you've been married. But after 20 years the symbols are limited to every 5 years. So, several years ago Chris and I decided to pick our own symbols for each anniversary. Our gifts to each other would focus on that symbol. Over the years we've symbols like bamboo, leather, unique woods, or pearls.

The fun is in the search...we stressed inexpensive and unique gifts either made from the material or having the material in the name. We've found things like a can of Pearl black olives, a leather scented candle, a wooden plate from Zagreb, and bamboo oil. I have quizzed shop keepers, searched the Internet, wandered through the market place in search of the unusual gift.

This year we're looking for Flower or Flour products. You'd think that would be easy! Well it's not. Remember the criteria is "unique". Today I actually stopped a lady wearing a beautiful Flower T-Shirt and asked where she got it. Since I do this a lot I knew I had to quickly explain so I wouldn't get yelled at, hit or both.

"Oh...isn't that romantic!" is the usual response, followed by, "I wish my husband would do something like that. All I ever get is...". Sidebar to husbands...this is a great way to keep the romance in the marriage.

Well, the lady did make some suggestions for places to try and wished me good luck. So I'm off search of flowers and flour. And, If you happen to see a black velvet picture of a pink hydrangea...drop me a note.

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