Thursday, May 10, 2012

Performance Before Character?

Today I read that a very talented football player was having a hard time finding a new team. Seemed no one liked his behavior - he wasn't a 'team player'. Seems to be a bit of that going business, sports, entertainment, even government.

I have often wondered,"At what point is 'exceptional talent and performance' not enough?" I continue to be surprised when we accept temper tantrums, abusive language, arrogance, or just plain disrespect from some of our top performers.

"Top performers create revenues! Who cares if they're a bit eccentric or outspoken? " That's our argument. It's about profits. We excuse this rude, disruptive behavior and then wonder why we can't build a team.

You can tell these people that, "There's no 'I' in team." But they quickly realize that there is a 'ME' and they focus on that! ME above all else. Slogans and cute sayings don't build teams. Relationships build teams...and character builds relationships.

Tolerating these rude behaviors is a short term strategy. It may create immediate results but over time it costs money and reputation. It will not create a team; it will not build relationships.

So, here's something for you to consider when recruiting, hiring, or promoting -take character over performance when you have to choose between the two. In the long run you won't regret it.

And to that talented football player, let your real character come out...I don't think we've seen it yet. Real humility is powerful.


Kate said...

So true! It seems to have gotten particularly out of hand in Hollywood.

Chris Fields said...

I agree. There are many great men and women in the sports world who really are great role models of character and talent. Unfortunately, they don't get as much publicity as the rotten apples.