Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Give honor where honor is due

Giving honor is about giving respect. Honor is a gift that we give one another. When we honor someone, we recognize their position, accomplishments, and value. We celebrate their achievements. Giving honor does not mean that we have to agree with their beliefs; it means that we extend respect to their position and authority. (I learned to salute the uniform not the person)

Over the past two decades we have become a people who take offense easily. We get offended at almost everything. The "bad call" that official made...the teacher in the classroom...our parents...our bosses...the police and military... our government. And worst of all, we are offended by anyone who has a different point of view.

We have become so critical and judgmental that we focus on what's wrong with someone else and have forgotten how to honor our leaders. Don't believe this? Just listen to the media...they spread most of this criticism and judgment...especially about the government.

And the government is no better. Congress continually criticizes and disrespects each other! Who was the last President we respected and honored? (It wasn't President Reagan. While in office he was "disliked and criticized" too!)

Time for a change and each of us can do our part. Start where you are. Think of people who offend you. Ask yourself,
  1. What is one thing that I respect about them?
  2. What positive statement can I make about what they have achieved?
  3. How can I celebrate their accomplishments?
You'll be surprised how you will change when you shift your focus. Remember, what you focus on, you strengthen. For 2009 focus on honoring others...celebrate with them!

1 comment:

Kate said...

So true! Another thing I try to do when I feel offended or wronged is no recognize a time when I have wronged or offended someone else in that same way and ask for forgiveness.