Thursday, January 1, 2009

Change Happens!!!

As 2009 opened I heard a commentator say that things will change for the better. Change always promises a better tomorrow. In any organization or institution, change is positioned as things will get better. That’s part of what change managers call “selling the change” or “building the business case”.

In fact, things MAY get worse before they get better. This happens for a few reasons. First our change often overcompensates for the existing conditions. Second, we don’t analyze the potential consequences or impacts of the change we’re planning to make. And third, we believe people are more likely to buy-in to the change if it carries the promise of a happy ending.

Next time you’re planning a change, ask yourself three questions…

· Specifically, what is the situation I am trying to change?
· What are the short and long term consequences of the change?
· What are the positive AND negative aspects of the change that I need to communicate?

If you get stuck or want to change your plans, drop me a note.

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